GPS Integrative Therapies   |   311 S 900 E Suite 101A   |   Salt Lake City, UT  84102   |   801-633-3908   |

Kundalini Yoga is a 5000-year-old discipline for creating well being and developing human potential.

With sets of exercises called kriyas, Kundalini Yoga can specifically, target, tonify, and balance the central nervous and endocrine systems - the two "command systems" of the body. You can also use this yoga to improve immunity, focus, and concentration.

The practice is energizing and calming at the same time. A regular and steady practice can strengthen your body, sharpen your mind, keep you relaxed, and expand your creativity, vitality, and confidence.

Claim your birthright of happiness! Use this yoga to address:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Structural issues in the body
  • Nervous system and glandular imbalance issues
  • Mental health issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety, mood instability, anger, trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • Relationship conflicts

Kundalini Yoga is for anyone. It was developed over centuries for people with busy lives and many commitments. You can practice this yoga no matter what level of flexibility, strength, or prior yoga experience you have. Likewise, experienced yogis will benefit from mind and body techniques not often shared in other yoga classes.